The Canadian development studio Cloud Chamber is currently looking for staff within the framework of current vacancies. The descriptions of the job advertisements seem to underpin the rumors about an open-world setting for BioShock 4.
The Canadian studio Cloud Chamber, which is currently working on the latest title of the BioShock series, is looking for staff to fill selected positions on its in-house website. Among other things, the search is for a world designer, a technical designer, and an author who should breathe life into the world of BioShock 4.
After we have received references to an open world setting or an open world in the past few months, the references to an open world now seem to be condensing. The current job advertisements from Cloud Chamber also speak of an open and lively world.
According to its own information, the Canadian studio is looking for experienced staff who “can weave impactful, character-driven stories in an open world setting.” The other job postings indicated that BioShock 4 “will be an AAA narratively-driven FPS project full of character and personality.”
Whether the whole thing is a classic open-world setting or whether the new title will only focus on a more open world remains to be seen. The developers responsible for Cloud Chamber are still covered with concrete details and have not yet wanted to reveal when the official unveiling of the game can be expected.
In February of last year, there was only talk that the release of BioShock 4 is still a few years away.