Sometimes you just happen to forget your passwords and want to change them, even the important ones like the voicemail password on your Android phone. Or, you may be wanting to change the password because you want a better one. Perhaps it was your ex’s birthdate that you don’t want to remember anymore, we’ve all been there. Well regardless, this guide will show you how you can do that in simple and easy steps.
How to Reset or Change the Voicemail Password on Android
Before we get into the details of how to change your voicemail password on Android, it is important to note that the methods for doing so can vary depending on your service provider. While there is a general way to do it that should apply to all Android phones, sometimes you might have to do it through your service provider.
Here are the steps you need to take to reset or change your password on Android:
- Open the “Phone” app on your device.
- Tap on the three dots icon which usually sits on the upper right corner of the screen.
- Here, go to Settings and select “Voicemail”
- You will see an option that says “Change PIN” Tap on that.
- Enter your current password or PIN and hit continue.
- Now you have to enter your new password or PIN and then confirm it again.
- Your password will now be changed to the new one.
However, this might not work for everyone. In case it’s not working for you due to your service provider, then you can try calling your service provider and asking them to do so. Most service providers have a fairly easy and fast way to change it so you should be fine.
That is how you can change or reset your voicemail password on Android. If you are interested in more android related topics, check out our articles on what is Android System Intelligence and how to add Android Auto to any car.