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How to Hide Desktop Icons on Mac

Here is how you can hide desktop icons on Mac.

The desktop of a computer especially Mac is the most important thing on your computer display. As this screen is always visible after you unlock or open your computer. This also plays an important role if you are sharing your PC with other people. Hopefully, Mac offers a feature that can help you clear your desktop mess. So, here is how you can use this feature to hide desktop icons on your Mac.

Steps to Hide Desktop Icons on Mac

final result for both the steps to hide desktop icons on mac

Hiding desktop icons is useful for users if they want to keep their desktop tidy or want to hide private information like a financial statement or any critical help. You can hide desktop icons on mac using two methods using the in-built feature or through a third-party app. Both the methods are discussed below.

Use the Terminal App

You can cover desktop icons on your Mac by using the Terminal app by following this simple workaround:

  1. First of all, open the “Terminal” app on your Mac.
  2. Now in the “Terminal” app type “defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDestop false” without quotes.
  3. After this, to restart the “Finder” type “killall Finder” without quotes and press “Enter”.
  4. This command will hide all the desktop icons on your Mac.
  5. If you want to unhide the desktop icons then, open the “Terminal” app.
  6. Now, type this command “defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop true” without quotes.
  7. After this, type “killall Finder” without quotes to restart the “Finder” app and press “Enter”.
  8. This will make all the desktop icons visible.

Third-Party Apps

If you are not a techy guy and still want to hide desktop apps then you need to install third-party apps to hide icons on macOS. By using third-party apps the process of hiding apps becomes simpler as you have to just toggle the switch next to the desktop icon section. One of the best and free apps is HiddenMe.

This is all you need to know about how to hide desktop icons on Mac. If you want to clear your Mac and make it tidy from the file manager of your Mac then, here is a separate guide on How to Find and Delete Empty Folders on Mac.