Dark mode has become the trending feature compared to any others right now. As you already know, the dark theme is officially supported by Google Chrome, however, you will only find it in some areas like tabs, bookmarks, etc. You will not find the dark theme on the websites that you visit on the Chrome browser. Therefore, in this guide, I am going to list down the best dark mode extensions for Google Chrome that you can use in 2023.
Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2023
Many people like to change their theme to dark mode, be it on smartphones, Windows PC, or even browsers. In the past few months, Google introduced a dark theme to Google News. Call it a trendy feature nowadays, there is no doubt that dark mode is here to stay.
And when it comes to Google Chrome, we don’t have to wait for the Mountain View company’s implementation, since there are dozens of different extensions that make it possible. These dark mode extensions don’t just give your browser a nice dark tone, but more importantly, they are pleasing to the eye and make late-night browsing enjoyable.
So, if you are looking for the best dark mode or night mode extensions for Google Chrome, here are some that you should definitely try.
1. Dark Reader – Best Extensions for Google Chrome
If you are looking for a simple dark mode extension for your Google Chrome browser, Dark Mode is one of the best ones for you. With this extension, you can switch to dark mode completely on your Chrome. It is supported on all kinds of websites such as Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, and even social networks like Instagram, Facebook, etc. It is so natural that you will feel the web page itself offers a dark theme.
After installing the Dark Mode extension on your Google Chrome, dark theme will be automatically applied to the open tabs of the browser. You can also customize the darkness according to your choice or else you can easily turn off the dark theme option if you would like. It is so very simple to customize the contrast and brightness in addition to enabling grayscale and sepia.
2. Dark Night Mode
In some cases, you would just want to use a simple extension with just the right amount of current features. So, if you are looking for one such dark mode extension, then Dark Night Mode is the best choice for you. It comes with a simple menu, and after enabling it reading articles on Google Chrome becomes a satisfying affair. In addition, this extension lets you choose the exact level of screen brightness you want on your website. Just drag the slider to your preference.
3. Luna Reader
Luna Reader is very similar in comparison to Dark Reader, as it also changes the color of all the websites to the dark theme. With this extension, you can easily customize the brightness, contrast, and many things of any particular website. There is also a night shift mode that you can activate to add a yellow effect to websites. You can also schedule dark mode and blacklist or whitelist any websites that you want.
That is everything you need to know about the Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome that you can use in 2023. While you are here, you might be also interested to know the Best Netflix Google Chrome Extensions, and How to enable Windows 11 Style Menus in Google Chrome.