A good alarm clock app is essential for some people, otherwise, they would stay in bed all day. There are many people who get out of bed at the first ring of the alarm clock and those who, on the other hand, after a thousand alarm clocks still don’t open their eyes. Smartphones offer various alarm clock apps, both for Android and iOS devices, with different functions so as to adapt to any type of need. Therefore, in this guide, we will tell you the best alarm clock apps of 2023 in the list below.
Best Alarm Clock Apps (2023)
If you are searching for an alarm clock app for your Android and iOS devices, here is our selection of apps to wake up gently and start the day right away.
1. Alarmy
Alarmy is one of the most popular and feature-rich apps but above all available for both Android and iOS devices. One of the most interesting features of this app is the possibility of associating different activities for turning off the alarm, where each alarm requires a different gesture. For example, shaking your phone, scanning a QR code, solving a math problem, or typing a sentence can be used as a deactivation activity.
2. Clock: Apple’s official app
Even Apple has its own official app called Clock which not only lets you view the time and set timers but also lets you set alarms. As with Google, the functions are limited, since you can choose to repeat an alarm, assign a label and a specific ringtone, delay the alarm, and use the vibration.
3. Sleep Cycle
Do you usually wake up at the same time every day? Sleep cycle will upset this habit. Indeed, the application will wake you up every morning at a different time. Of course, you must program a maximum time not to be exceeded. The application will take care of changing the time each morning, up to 30 minutes before your wake-up time. So you will be on time for sure.
4. I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock
For those who want an app similar to Alarmy but don’t want to pay a monthly subscription, there’s an application called I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock, which despite its simplicity offers a wide range of alarm tones, different types of shutdown tasks, such as memory challenges or solving math problems. In addition, it provides Awake Tests, the function to prevent the user from falling back asleep, which sends a notification to be answered, otherwise, the alarm will restart. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices.
That’s all you need to know about the best alarm clock apps of 2023. In the meantime, do not forget to check out our other guides only on our website TechNClub.com: How to Set Clock, Alarms and Timers on iPhone and iPad with Siri, and How to Set an Alarm on Apple Watch.