The cooperative PvE shooter Rainbow Six Parasite is currently shown in another leaked gameplay video. You can see combats and different weapons.
Rainbow Six Parasite new gameplay video of 5 minutes leaked
While Ubisoft remains covered, the first gameplay scenes and unconfirmed details of Rainbow Six Parasite appeared in the past few weeks. There was talk of the fact that the developers decided to give the title a new name due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The shooter is currently being developed under the code name Rainbow Six Parasite. In line with the current rumors, the cooperative PvE adventure is shown in another leaked gameplay video, which gives you a look at the exchange of fire as well as selected opponents and weapons.
Only a few days ago we received another leak on Rainbow Six Quarantine or Rainbow Six Parasite, which brought various unconfirmed details. For example, it was said that the players can look forward to seeing the operators Alibi, Ela, Finka, Lion, Tachanka, and Vigil again.
Furthermore, the leak revealed that you are dealing with the threat called Archaeans, whose nests are spread across the map and spit out enemies if you get too close to them. The leak also confirmed that Rainbow Six Quarantine or Rainbow Six Parasite will have crossplay support.
Ubisoft itself commented on the leak briefly and concisely with the announcement that the company will provide specific details about the PvE shooter in due course. When it will be so far, however, has not been revealed.