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Fortnite Crash Pad Jr Location: How To Find & Use It

Wondering where to find the Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite? Check out our location guide to know everything about it.

Fortnite boasts tons of items and resources that are vaulted or unvaulted depending on the ever-changing updates. The Crash Pad Jr. is one of these items that hasn’t been vaulted yet, thanks to the Epic Games Store. It is a mobility item similar to a Crash Pad which deploys a smaller trampoline when landing. While it ensures a safe landing avoiding any fall damage, it can also help you reach the perfect spot to land. However, it’s a nerfed version of Crash Pad, so enemies can also use it to track you. But as players turn to find the Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite, they are unable to find it anywhere.

Don’t worry, check out our guide to know the location of Fortnite’s Crash Pad Jr. So, here’s everything you need to know about it.

Where to Find the Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite

You can find the Crash Pad Jr in several randomized locations. These include floors, chests, llamas, and other loot drops. You can head to the loot major POIs to get the Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite. If you don’t find it there, we recommend searching for the chests to obtain it.

How to Use Crash Pad Jr.

fortnite crash pad jr location how to find
Image Source – KingAlexHD on YouTube.

Like the previous vaulted versions, the Crash Pad Jr deploys a small inflatable trampoline. Once you run, stand, jump, or double-jump on this trampoline, you get straight launched into the air. Luckily, you won’t get any fall damage once you land on the ground. This can be angled, so that the player is shot wherever they want to reach rather than simply upwards.

So, here’s how to use a Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite:

  • Head to your Inventory and select the item.
  • Set an aim using the right mouse button or the left trigger on your controller.
  • Once you release it, it will deploy a small trampoline.
  • Then, set an angle and use it by sliding, jumping, or double-jumping.

Having said that, this item is mainly used for evading your opponents. When launched in the air, you can also fire some throwables at your enemies. But it’s worth noting that it could reveal your location to them.

That’s everything covered about where to find the Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite. If you liked this guide, check out our guides to find out how to play on Xbox Cloud Gaming, how to get the LEGO Insiders skin, and explore more Fortnite Guides in our dedicated section right here on TechnClub.