As fans of Banda Namco and more specifically FromSoftware will know, the Japanese software house announced Elden Ring back in 2019, on the occasion of E3. Two years after the official reveal, the game has remained a mystery.
Although the new project, born from the collaboration between director Hidetaka Miyazaki and fantasy novelist George RR Martin, has been at the center of several rumors in the last period (assuming that the game had even been canceled), it would seem that Elden Ring could also skip the 2021 edition of the well-known Los Angeles event of E3.
The indiscretion would have been spread in these last hours by the insider and journalist of Venture Beat Jeff Grubb, who would have stated during live streaming on Twitch that the action RPG title signed by Bandai Namco and FromSoftware will hardly make an appearance at the E3 2021, on the stage of the Xbox Showcase.
Grubb’s new report certainly left a bit of a bitter taste in the fans’ mouth, since he himself had stated in recent months that by now the official reveal of the game isn’t months away, but the bad news did not end there.
According to the words of the well-known insider, another well-known absentee at the Los Angeles event should be the highly anticipated Hellblade 2 of Ninja Theory, a title that could be somehow justified by the presence of Starfield, even if the new IP of Bethesda should see the light on console and PC only next year.
Waiting to find out more details on the story, we remind you to take this information with due precaution, given that at the moment it is simple rumors and there has been no official confirmation from those directly involved.
Finally, we point out that in recent weeks a financial report shared by Kadokawa Corp, the parent company of FromSoftware, would have suggested that the debut of Elden Ring may have been delayed again due to COVID-19, therefore no longer expected for March 2022.