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Cancel Discord Nitro Subscription – On Desktop And Mobile(2023)

Here are some simple steps that you can follow to cancel your Discord Nitro plan on Desktop and Mobile.

Discord Nitro is a premium plan for Dicord users that allows you to have extra features than the free plan. But, there are other plans too, like Discord Basic or Classic and you can choose them if you wish to discontinue Discord Nitro. But, if you want to cancel the plan because you don’t feel the need to use it, here are the simple steps to do so. Know how you can cancel the subscription on both, your Desktop and Mobile, with these simple steps.

Steps To Cancel Discord Nitro

To cancel the subscription means losing out on many features from the premium plan. So, before you plan to discontinue Discord Nitro, consider the things that you will not be able to use in the free Discord. Like, weekly super reactions, different animation icons for your profile, background themes, and more. But, if you do not use Discord much and feel it unnecessary to have a plan, you can cancel it at any time. So, below are the steps that you can follow on your Mobile or Desktop to unsubscribe from Discord Nitro.

Cancel Plan On Desktop

Cancel Desktop Plan


To cancel the plan from your Desktop Discord, you will need to follow some simple steps by opening the Discord on your Desktop. Read the Steps below to unsubscribe the plan on your Desktop for Discord Nitro:

  • On your Discord Desktop, go to Settings from the bottom-right, beside your User Name.
  • Now, from the side menu options, click on Subscriptions.
  • Then, click on Cancel, beside the Nitro subscription.
  • Then, confirm to cancel the subscription.
  • Finally, Cancel the Discord Nitro on your Desktop.

This will cancel your Discord subscription and you will be returned to your free Discord profile. Now, to know how to cancel the plan on your Mobile device; Android or iOS, read further.

Cancel Plan On Mobile

Cancel Mobile Plan

Easily cancel the plan from your Mobile app, by following these simple steps as explained below:

  • On your device, open the Discord app.
  • Now, open settings by clicking on your profile icon from the bottom menu.
  • Then, click on Manage Subscriptions or Manage Nitro on your screen.
  • Now, click on Cancel to cancel Discord Nitro.
  • Finally, confirm the cancellation.

These are the simple steps that you can follow to cancel the Discord Nitro subscription on your Desktop and Mobile. Also, from the option of Switch Plans, you can switch between classic, basic, and Discord Nitro, if you do not want to cancel the subscription. Now, if you want to read more about Discord, refer to these guides on TechnClub – Fix Discord “Messages Failed To Load Error” or Use Discord On XBOX Consoles.