To celebrate the upcoming release of the DOOM Eternal RTX patch on PC dated June 29, NVIDIA and Bethesda have teamed up to offer the Doom Eternal Demon Slayer Bundle, a package that brings together exclusive goodies around DOOM Eternal and also an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Founder Edition graphics card.
DOOM Eternal GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Demon Slayer Bundle will be available at $1450
As the RTX 3080 Ti is already quite expensive to start with, the bundle is rather reserved for ultra-fans or users desperate to be unable to get their hands on the latest high-end GPU from NVIDIA at a price close to the recommended price.
Indeed, this ultra-limited edition will only be produced in 300 copies worldwide, and to hope to buy it, it will be necessary to undergo a first lottery test by registering at the store before July 6.
The lucky winners will then have the chance to pay $1,450 to finalize the transaction. Please note, this is in no way a competition to win the prize. We hope the exclusive figure and t-shirt are worth it.
Although it is assumed that the shortage of graphics cards prevents NVIDIA and Bethesda from distributing more copies, the release of such a bundle is not trivial.
For console gamers, know that DOOM Eternal’s next-gen optimization also brings ray tracing to Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. The update will be rolled out to all media at the same time: June 29.
The bundle includes the following:
- A copy of Doom Eternal
- NVIDIA’s flagship GPU, the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti.
- An exclusive collectible Titanium Slayer mini-figure, matching the aesthetics of the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti.
- An exclusive DOOM Eternal GeForce RTX t-shirt.
- An Oversized 15.75” x 35.44” Exclusive DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Mouse Pad featuring key artwork from Part 2 of the Campaign Expansion.