Netflix is right now the most consumed paid streaming video service in the world. The platform has tens of millions of users paying the monthly fee to enjoy movies, TV Series, and documentaries, but not all of them do so from a smart television. If this is your case, today we will teach you how to watch Netflix without a Smart TV.
How to watch Netflix without a Smart TV
1. Watch Netflix Through Gaming Consoles
We will start this article with a very simple way to watch Netflix: through gaming consoles. As soon as you have a PlayStation 4, Xbox One or their most current models (PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S), these consoles allow you to watch Netflix thanks to the service’s own application.
Simply enter the virtual store of each system and search for Netflix within the catalog of available applications. Download it, enter your username and password… and that’s it! Your console will allow you to watch Netflix on television.
2 Using a PC
Most likely, you have a television with HDMI input, since it has been the standard for a decade without problems. As soon as you also have a laptop, which is common for office users or travelers, you just have to connect an HDMI cable to your laptop and the other end to the television. In a matter of seconds, the operating system will appear on the screen.
3. Via external devices
The other option to watch Netflix on your traditional television is through external devices. Google Chromecast, Apple TV, or Amazon’s Fire TV allow you to watch Netflix movies or TV Series thanks to the application they have. That is quite easy.
Also, do not forget that these external devices allow streaming connection with our PCs, so you can stream directly from there and send everything to television.
As you can see, there are multiple ways to watch Netflix on a television that is not intelligent, just choose the one that best suits your pocket and make the most of its features as possible. Also, while you are here, check out our other Netflix Troubleshooting guides to fix error codes related to the streaming application.