Want to try out Windows 11 but not a part of the Windows Insider Program? You can still test this operating system for no cost before buying a full copy of the same. As per Windows 11’s official system requirements, it requires TPM 2.0. If your system does not has this chip on the motherboard then you probably cannot try out Windows 11. So this s a must, check inside your Bios settings to turn it on. After this, you will need a proper Windows 11 ISO file. Preview ISO builds are usually released on the DevChannels, and not all are going can access it. But thankfully there are many online platforms where you can get a working copy of Windows 11 for free.
Download Windows 11 Build 22458
Here is the list of Windows 11 Builds you can download from the source link. The ISO’s are hosted by updump.net, the site also has Windows 10 ISO’s.
Build 22463
ARM64 Version (rs_prerelease)
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22458.1000 – 2021-09-19
AMD64 x64 Version (rs_prerelease)
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22458.1000 – 2021-09-19
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22454.1000 – 2021-09-09
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22449.1000 – 2021-09-02
ARM64 x64 Version(rs_prerelease)
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22454.1000(2) – 2021-09-19
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22454.1000(3) – 2021-09-14
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22454.1000 – 2021-09-09
- Windows 11 Insider Preview 22449.1000 – 2021-09-02
Click on the link on the basis of the Windows 11 edition you need. Then select a language and click on Next to select the edition. Choose from Windows Home, Windows Home N, Windows Pro, and Windows Pro N. Click on Next for the next options. Select Download and Convert to ISO, you can also choose the following updates to be part of the ISO.
- Include Updates (Windows convertor only)
- Run component cleanup (Windows convertor only)
- Integrate .Net Framework 3.5 (Windows convertor only)
- Use Solid (ESD) compression.
Click on Create Download Package. On the right side, you can verify the size of the ISO file, the standard size is around 5.30GB which will include all the editions. But if you are looking for one specific Windows 11 version then the download size will be lower. Click on Create Download Package in the end and done.
You can also download Windows 10 editions from the same site. ISO’s provided on the above site mostly consist of files from the DevChannel. These can be insiders copy or beta editions. So there is no major issue in using them. If you are looking for a healthy ISO file to try out Windows 11 editions then this is the best way to do it. For more help on other builds, you can also check our guide on Windows 11 Build 22000.194 Download.