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What are some Best ChatGPT Alternatives

Check out some of the best alternatives to ChatGPT AI, including Bing AI Chat, Magic Write AI, Bard AI from Google and more.

OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, has become one of the most famous chatbots since its release in November 2022. There are many outstanding things people are doing with the chatbot by constantly posting something or the other on social media. Professionals from virtually every industry find useful applications for this tool, including job seekers, programmers, teachers, and content creators. But when one product dominates its category, it’s easy to lose sight of others that may yet provide an even greater or equivalent benefit. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about what are some of the best ChatGPT alternatives below.

Best ChatGPT Alternatives (2023)

In the article below, now let’s look at each of these ChatGPT alternatives in more detail and review their key features.

1. Bing AI Chat

best ChatGPT alternatives Bing AI Chat

Whatever you call it, Bing AI Chat or New Bing, Microsoft’s AI-powered service, is the closest thing to an online ChatGPT. It is more powerful and factual than ChatGPT available to everyone, as it is powered by OpenAI’s recently released GPT-4 model. And that’s not all. Unlike ChatGPT, Bing AI Chat is connected to live internet data, giving it access to real-time knowledge about trends and events. Therefore, its answers to questions are more current and relevant than those provided by ChatGPT.

2. YouChat AI

best ChatGPT alternatives YouChat AI

YouChat is a chatbot similar to ChatGPT that is able to respond to text queries. For example, you can ask it to suggest ideas or write you an email. YouChat is an interesting alternative to ChatGPT because, for each response, the conversational AI displays the sources used (files or websites). YouChat is accessible online for free.

3. Magic Write AI

best ChatGPT alternatives Magic Write AI

Canva has an AI text generator called Magic Write. This tool similar to ChatGPT can, for example, write texts up to 500 words, continue writing a paragraph started, create lists of ideas, or even transform keywords into a complete text. Magic Write is integrated with Canva Docs and is available for free for a limited number of requests.

4. Bard AI from Google

best ChatGPT alternatives Bard AI from Google

Google’s Bard AI is another ChatGPT alternative worth mentioning, although access to the AI chatbot has been limited to a small number of testers and VIP users. It is difficult to assess the capabilities of the AI ​​chatbot due to restricted access. However, analysts believe the chatbot might be a little less enticing than claimed, especially from ChatGPT’s perspective, given the errors Bard’s AI made in its public presentation.

That’s everything you need to know about what are some of the best ChatGPT alternatives. In the meanwhile, check out similar types of guides only on our website TechNClub.com: Best Google Docs Alternative for Android Mobile, and Best iTunes Alternatives for MacBook Pro.