Users can pre-order any game on Microsoft Store before its release date. Pre-order comes with additional deals, also players with subscription service like Xbox Game Pass gets early access to play the game first. But sometimes you will see a message saying “Xbox Game Pre-ordered Cancelled“. Chances are you won’t get any prior intimation for the error, here is how to fix this and make sure you received your game on the Xbox console.
Why the Xbox Pre-ordered Cancel error occurs?
Microsoft charges you 10 days before the actual release date of the game. So whenever you pre-order a game on the Microsoft Store the price of the game will be deducted exactly 10 days before the official release date. Make sure you are having a valid payment option. If your credit card is having no limit or if your bank denies the payment your order gets canceled.
After a few days, there will be a second attempt to complete the transaction via the Microsoft store. Still, if the payment fails after the second attempt the order gets canceled and you will have to re-purchase it again. This means you will have to place a fresh new order to pre-order the game.
Before placing an order make sure all your card details or payment option is proper and working. There has to be some balance left for the order cost. If the order is placed successfully the game is added to your game library. To verify the same sign-in to the game store and verify the order.
The only way to resolve Xbox pre-ordered cancelled issue by verifying your payment details. Double-check before making an order or if you have any issue you can change that within a couple of days of placing an order. Or else the order will get cancelled and you will loose all your offers and deals on the game purchase.