As can be seen from a current job advertisement, the title WiLD was announced in 2014 and it seems that it is apparently still in development. The responsible developers at Wild Sheep Studios are currently looking for new staff.
As early as 2014, the developers at Wild Sheep Studios announced the ongoing work on the open-world project WiLD. To the much disappointment of the players, it was always quiet about the game in the past.
The last supposed sign of life of the open-world title comes from April 2020. A bad omen? Obviously not. On the in-house website, those responsible at Wild Sheep Studios indicated that the game is indeed still in development.
The studio is currently looking for a senior gameplay programmer who will support the developers and, among other things, work on the gameplay mechanics and the engine of an unspecified project. The job advertisement does not reveal which title the potential applicant will be involved in detail, but it is speculated that the title is hidden behind it all.
WiLD was announced exclusively for the PlayStation 4 at the time. Since tangible details and impressions are still a long way off, we can assume that the open-world title still has a long way to go. This in turn leads to the assumption that the PlayStation 5 is also being considered with an implementation of the game.
The whole thing has not yet been officially confirmed.