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Valheim for Nintendo Switch Port Could Happen, Panic Button Says

In just one month, Valheim has managed to sell more than 5 million copies, and Panic Button is interested in bringing the game to the hybrid console of Nintendo Switch.

Valheim for Nintendo Switch Coming Soon?

It’s only been on the market for a month and Valheim has already achieved what many big-name titles have not achieved in years. This Viking-themed survival game has been developed by just five people and has managed to sell more than 5 million copies on Steam, as well as being one of the most popular games of 2021.

Yesterday in an interview with Panic Button’s production manager, Dan Hernberg, not only did he talk about his next port of Apex Legends that is now available for Nintendo Switch, but also about what will be the next game that he would like to bring to the hybrid of Nintendo.

Unsurprisingly, Dan said it would be a dream to do a port of Valheim, not just because it’s a great game, but because the head of the production like so many others has become addicted to Valheim. “I’m not sure if this is my “any game pick” but, right now I’m playing way too much Valheim and I would love to port that to Switch,” Dan said to Nintendo Life.

Now they may be mere words from the production manager of Panic Button, but this idea may come true in the future, since it must be borne in mind that Valheim has just landed a great success and that if they know how to take advantage of the opportunity, it will not take long to reach the consoles and among them the portable and desktop console of the Big N.

And if this was not enough, there is no better video game developer to make a port than Panic Button who, as you well know from experience, has not only brought Apex Legends to Switch, but also Doom Eternal, Warframe, or Wolfenstein: Youngblood among many other important titles, so Valheim would be in very good hands.