According to their own statements, the developers of the shooter Six Days In Fallujah are not interested in making political statements about the Iraq War. Instead, players should be shown the horrors of a military conflict.
A few days ago it was announced that the shooter Six Days In Fallujah, which was dropped by Konami at the time, will celebrate a comeback and is again in development.
In addition to this announcement, the developers responsible went a little bit into their plans and pointed out that Six Days In Fallujah is not about making political statements or evaluating the battle of 2004 politically in any way. Instead, the creators want to show the players the horrors of a military conflict and how the decisions of politics affect the fate of the marines on the battlefield.
“A message that I heard from all of the people who’ve lost loved ones in battle is, they don’t want their child or friend’s sacrifice to be forgotten,” says Peter Tamte, head of the publisher responsible for Victura.
“Even the ones who were very opposed [to the war in Iraq]. And I had conversations with many of them, as well as other members of our team — especially former military who are on our team had conversations with many of these families in 2009 — and we heard one after the other, ‘We don’t want you to make a game about this, but we don’t want our son’s sacrifice to be forgotten.’ It’s a mixture of that,” Tamte said.
Tamte further continued: “The reality is that most people are not aware of the battle for Fallujah,” Tamte continued. “And so, by talking about this battle in a game, we are helping people remember the sacrifice of some very specific people. So that’s number one. We share the same objective they have, which is, we don’t want their son’s sacrifice to be forgotten.”
“But do I understand their caution about it? Absolutely. Absolutely. Because for most of those people, their only idea of a video game is watching somebody else play Call of Duty. Call of Duty is a sport, and if somebody made a sport out of the killing of my son, I’d be pretty upset. Our job now is to show people that we’re not making Call of Duty,” Tamte concluded.
Six Days In Fallujah will release on PC at a yet unannounced date.