Konami could revive old IPs like Castlevania and Silent Hill after GetsuFumaDen, as confirmed in an interview by Shin Murato.
Will Konami Review Silent Hill & Castlevania?
After bringing GetsuFumaDen to the world in Early Access, Konami may not give up, and bring old IPs like Silent Hill and Castlevania back to life. Shin Murato, the producer of the game, has in fact held an interview at JP Games, in which the producer specified that the practice of “outsourcing” (for which an IP of the team is commissioned to an external developer) will not stop there.
Below are the statements of the Konami producer about the project, and other collaborations of the kind, which as mentioned make us think of important IP of the software house such as Silent Hill and Castlevania:
“We are continually inspired by various indie titles, and how they innovate and produce exciting games. We felt that GetsuFumaDen would be an interesting IP to bring back to follow this indie approach, and so we decided to contact GuruGuru as we know the team well.”
“They had been exploring new approaches for graphical design and thought they would be a great fit for this IP. It also helped that there were fans of the original GetsuFumaDen game within the GuruGuru team.”
“In terms of other collaborations, please wait for future projects like this!”
While no names are currently being made, it is likely that these are historic IPs, which could make a comeback in a big way over the current generation. There have been rumors for months that also talked about a remake of Metal Gear in development at Bluepoint Games, as the software house is working on a title not yet announced, and it seems to be an important IP.
In fact, according to clues, the company may have recently abandoned a remake of Silent Hill in favor of several projects that would instead involve Metal Gear, but unfortunately, we have no type of confirmation about it.
Unfortunately, it has recently been confirmed that Konami will not preside over E3 2021, as the company currently has several projects in the works, but according to what has been declared, these are not yet sufficiently mature productions to be shown.