According to the Xbox Store Page, you’ll need to free atleast 100 GB of your Xbox Series X hard drive to install the Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Microsoft Flight Simulator file size on Xbox Series X is 100 GB
In just under a week, Microsoft Flight Simulator will release on the Xbox Series X/S. For the first time, part of the legendary simulation series will also appear on consoles and, like its PC counterpart, will take up a lot of hard drive space. Because as the official Xbox Store page reveals, you have to free up about 97.2GB on your hard drive in order to install the title.
This value applies to both the standard and the deluxe version of the game. This is quite a file size especially for the hard drive of the Xbox Series S, because the SSD of the “small” current-gen console from Microsoft has a manageable capacity of 512 GB.
It doesn’t come as a surprise, because on the one hand there is a lot to see in Flight Simulator – you can see nothing less than the entire world from the air – and on the other hand, the PC version of the simulator, which was released last year, required at least 150 GB storage space.
The difference in the file size is probably due to the fact that the assets of the console version will probably not be completely on the same level as the PC version.
The release date of Microsoft Flight Simulator is July 27, 2021, and the title will also appear in Xbox Game Pass right at the launch.