The development of the supposed extended edition of Death Stranding for PS5 is said to have already been completed. According to industry insider Navtra, it will be no more than a month before the expanded version of the game is officially announced.
In late January, an industry insider named Navtra claimed an extended edition of Kojima’s masterpiece Death Stranding that was in the works. In addition to the PS4, this should also appear for the still young PS5. Because there is supposedly new story content waiting for you, there will probably not be a free upgrade for PS4 players.
To this day we have not heard anything from the official side. But the same insider has now followed up. On ResetEra, Navtra wrote that he had expected an announcement at the last State of Play edition because the development of the Extended Edition had been completed for some time. The same is said to apply to “Life is Strange 3”, for which unofficial details were received last Friday.
“I’d give it one more month maybe,” said the insider at the end.
As with all rumors, we have to point out that this time it is unconfirmed information. It remains to be seen whether Navtra’s statements turn out to be true. In any case, it wouldn’t be the first time, since last summer he revealed that an exclusive deal had been arranged for Final Fantasy XVI. Since the official launch, we have known that the game will actually appear exclusively on PS5.
Incidentally, Google Stadia is said to have rejected an episodic horror game by Hideo Kojima last year. Phil Harrison, the vice president and general manager of Google, is said to have put a stop to this project.
Death Stranding was released on November 8, 2019, for PS4. In June 2020 the title was also released for the PC.