Released in 2019, Control by Remedy is an action-adventure game that follows the story of Jesse Faden as she seeks to track down her kidnapped brother, Dylan. She discovers leads within a secret US government agency tasked with investigating Altered World Events (AWEs). The game features an intriguing storyline, supernatural events, puzzles, and an addictive combat system. It’s a blend of action, puzzles, and adventure by Remedy Entertainment. This was the first major release by the game developer after separating from Microsoft in 2017.
Control, released in 2019, garnered 5-star ratings from critics for its uniqueness and intriguing environment. However, despite its success, Remedy has remained tight-lipped about Control 2. The ending of Control 2019 did not include any hidden post-credit scenes hinting at future developments. Thankfully, after a considerable silence, Remedy has finally broken the news about Control 2 and Control Multiplayer.
The leak originates from a shareholder report published by Eurogamer. This report confirms the production of Max Payne 1 & 2 Remakes, initially announced in 2022. More information about this is anticipated in the second quarter of 2024. Additionally, the studio is diligently working on a Multiplayer Game codenamed Condor, set in the universe of Control. Condor has entered full production, though confirmation of its development stage is pending. If completed, a teaser could be expected in the coming months.
This year, we can expect remakes or new titles from the studio that will delve deeply into the storyline and offer an immersive, dark environment. The report also mentions another game codenamed Kestrel, currently in the concept stage. It is described as a multiplayer action game.
The studio’s most recent successful title, Alan Wake 2, has made a significant impact on the top charts. Expansions are slated for release in late spring.